Archives May 2024

Newly Re-EmPowered

We lost power at the summit of Haleakala today. Looks like planned electrical work, as it was from roughly 9am to 5pm Hawaiian time. I know MECO/Hawaiian Electric has some infrastructure upgrades to do, so this is a Good Thing if it means we avoid more multi-week outages in the future when big storms hit.

Our UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply–a fancy battery) kept us running for almost two hours before giving out. That’s slightly under the predicted runtime, but still solid performance I’m happy to see.

Unfortunately, the network upstream from us isn’t battery backed, so there’s nothing we can do remotely when these happen. We just have to let the software execute the automatic failsafe, then check that everything is ok when it comes back online.

In a weather update, this winter has been the worst for observing since we started. Normally winter is one of our best times: a lot of long dark nights with low humidity. This winter has not been that, at either observatory. We did start getting some good–and even simultaneously good–nights in the past couple weeks. Fingers crossed for more clear skies!

Speaking to Humpbacks in Their Language

Humans have taught other species signals and words for millennia. Some of us have even barked back at a dog, meowed at cat, or mooed at a cow, wondering what–if anything–they understood from our attempt to reach them. Being able to communicate with another species in its own language has always eluded humanity and been a source of quiet discomfort for the SETI field: we can make “contact” with the existence of a signal, but would what we learn be limited?

Putting SETI aside for a moment, imagine the implications of being able to communicate with another species on Earth, especially one so different and clearly intelligent. Could we interfere with them less if we understood their perspective? Could they teach us to improve ocean conservation? What could we learn about human cognition, and intelligence in general, with insights from a second species?

Conversing with a Humpback Whale Named Twain

Twain the Humpback Whale surfacing. ©Jodi Frediani

Only in this context can we begin to understand the magnitude and excitement of this accomplishment. In December of last year, I was in the room with Laurance and most of the SETI Institute’s other scientists. Many of us had given talks about our work, status of our projects, etc. Tons of great ideas and innovative projects. Then Dr. Laurance Doyle rose to give his talk, not just sharing but demonstrating that this breakthrough was forthcoming. Rarely am I in a room with so many distinguished scientists, but I looked around the room as he was walking off stage, and we all had this look on our faces as if we’d all brought our best biplanes to the hangar and Laurance had just pulled up in the shiny new jet plane he made.

On a personal level, I would like to add that I’ve known Laurance for over 20 years. Not only is he the kindest person you could hope to meet, but he’s been studying whales as long as I’ve known him, so this is a result of a huge amount of effort and dedication, which makes sense given the enormity of the task. He’s also one of the smartest people you could hope to meet. He’s not even a biologist actually. He’s a physicist, and one with some of the simplest and most interesting ideas that I’ve ever seen for studying the intersection of relativity and quantum physics, for example.

So, when I say “hats off” to my friend Laurance and his team, I mean the biggest hat to the most deserving person you can imagine!

For more information, I recommend: